Is Your Horse Mentally Sound?

Disclaimer: Always rule out any physical issues that could be causing your horse discomfort before assuming the issues are behavioral. Also re-evaluate the horse’s feed intake to make sure he’s not consuming more energy than he’s using on a daily basis.

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1. When catching and haltering your horse, does he feel the need to avoid any human contact? Would he rather be anywhere else than with a human? Is he looking for security by trying to escape being caught so he can stay with his herd or in a familiar place? If yes, here's a solution on my blog article:

2. Is your horse comfortable with you being on his back? Just because a horse doesn't buck you off when you ride, doesn't mean he's ok with a human rider. We want our horses to not simply tolerate us being up there, but embrace it. There's a method you can use to test this that I call "fencing". Learn how to test your horse with fencing on my blog article here:

3. During groundwork, is the horse over-reactive to stimulus or pressure? Does he sporadically gain speed when lunging? Is he unable to lunge at a calm walk/trot? Is his gait choppy and rushed? If yes, here's a solution on my YouTube channel:

4. When snugging up the cinch, does he stiffen in his body, get flinchy, raise his head, or widen his eyes? Does his facial expression go from mellow to nervous? Here's a video on how to fix that from my YouTube channel:

5. When riding, is the horse constantly trying to gain speed and unable to walk, trot, and lope on a loose rein? Do you have to repeatedly keep pressure on the reins in an attempt to slow him down? If so, here's a solution on my blog along with a couple videos:

6. Is he easily distracted by noises, other horses, or ‘spooky’ objects? Does he seldom watch where he is headed with ears forward? If so, here's a video on how to fix that:

7. Does your horse have ‘magnets’ that strongly draw him to his buddy, the barn, the trailer, the gate? Is it a struggle to have him leave these objects? Here's the solution:

8. Does taking him away from home influence his behavior and cause anxiety/excitement? If so, check out my solution to this on my podcast:

9. With a rider on his back, does he raise his head, widen his eyes, hollow his back, and stiffen his gait? Is his gait and cadence different with a rider than it is when he is loose in the pasture? Working on transitions will fix all of this. Watch my video on Transitions For Mental Soundness on my Instagram here:

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